The forecast was right on. We had the heat on in the morning and the windows open in the afternoon. It was just a great day. Seas were only about 1 foot most of the day. We could not have asked for a prettier run down the bay today. We set a few waypoints and let the autopilot do its thing.
We pulled into Tidewater Yacht Marina in Portsmouth, VA around 3:15pm. We had to fuel, pump out and put water on board. We needed to wait about 20 minutes for the fuel dock to clear before we could tie up. We arrived at the same time as about 8 other boats so it was a bit of a circus for about an hour.
We finished fueling after about 30 minutes, but it took us another 45 minutes to pump out the waste tank and it didn’t really empty the tank. The pump out was very slow and not very good. We will probably try again tomorrow down in Beaufort, NC.
We put the boat in the slip around 4:30 and did a quick wash down and chamois dry. The boat is looking good and John is doing a great job of running the boat. We talked a few minutes over a beer with out dock neighbor who is also heading down to Charleston, SC. He is aboard a 48 foot Sea Ray sedan bridge and left out of Cambridge, MD today.
Tomorrow will be a very early morning due to the restricted bridge opening south of Norfolk. We will pull out of the slip tomorrow around 6:00am to make the first bridge at 7:00. We have a long day to run over 200 miles down to Beaufort.
Enjoy the pictures from the last two days.
Cape May car ferry to DE.
Nice fall foliage running down the C&D Canal.
A car carrier in the C&D canal. That is one big ship.
A "crabber" in the bay. These are the guys that allow us to eat crab cakes.
An interesting tall ship in the bay.
Greg driving About Time this morning.
Wolf Trap Light
Coming into Norfolk.
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