It was another full day of passing sailboats and trawlers. Things went well for the most part, but there are always a few that will try your patients. Fortunately it was a beautiful day and we were glad to be on the water.
That is until we reached McClellansville. We got into some really skinny water. The depth sounder read 1.6 feet at one point and we were stirring up mud like nobody’s business. We saw several boats aground during the day, both sail boaters and trawlers. That always makes for a very nervous and tense day.
We pulled into the Charleston City Marina at 4:00pm. As usual there were several large mega yachts tied up. They brought John around to “M” dock where he has a great view of the waterway and will spend the next 5 months.
This trip was a lot of laughs with John and Greg. Thanks to all who followed along.
This guy was aground.
John and About Time in their new home for the winter.
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